Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wk1 Reading: Blog Post to JeVaughn Jones

To JeVaughn

I see that you regard music as an essential part of culture, so I would like to ask this question. Let's say that Trinidad's copyright laws were the same as in the US (check this link, and that there was a small community that sings folkloric and traditional songs in the streets every day. One day, someone passes by and listens to this music, gets interested in it and chooses to record it, and then copyright it in the US. What would be the ethical view of this? I wonder if music is that unique (not sure if that's the right word for this) that people could get into trouble for "borrowing" a good music sample. I understand that musicians should be compensated, but as in some of the videos we watched and in the article we read, there are middlemen that take most of the money, and do unfair things to people who enjoy music. Let's have a world free of corporate copyright!

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